
Life is a full of journeys if you take the opportunities given. Saying “yes” to the right things and chasing your dreams will lead you on a journey you may have never expected. Also. sometimes when people push you to follow your dreams you really should listen. They may end up being the mentor or ally you need in your journey. If Gandalf had let Bilbo say no to his adventure the dwarves wouldn’t be able to complete their journey and Bilbo would never have discovered the One ring. I have been on a few journeys already in my life with starting high school and dance and am bound to go on a few more before the end of my life. Each journey will teach me something new and that may be the reward for me at the end. In Ender’s Shadow Bean learned that everything may not be as it seems and being yanked from your ordinary world isn’t always a bad thing. Maybe on one of my journeys I will make a similar discovery. From Luci and Mitchell’s stories I learned not to give up when your support group tells you you can succeed.  In each journey I will learn something about life even if the journey isn’t a quest for knowledge. The reward at the end of a journey doesn’t always mean as much as the growth the hero experiences throughout the journey. 

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